Want to learn why shower comb will change your hair, check out this article. Also learn if a wide toothed comb is good for your straight or curly hair. Or is it bad for your hair to comb it wet?
Before I unravel the benefits of shower comb, if you are still thinking about whether adding a small thing as a comb can change your hair for real good?
Well, yes, it does work a great deal in changing your hair, and that too for good.
So if till now you were skipping shower combs from your regular hair wash care routine, then perhaps it is a shot for you to hit your nearest store that has one of these wide tooth combs.
Related: Best Wide Tooth Comb
Related: Can You Use A Wet Brush On Dry Hair
So, at the bottom, all you require to do is get a comb and, of course, a shower.
Once you begin employing it, you will note how your hair will need less prep time and how glossier it gets.
Adding further, if you want to know the additional benefits that your hair is going to get from using the hair tooth combs, you are at the right place, and this piece is going to help you unravel all of it.
Why Shower Comb Will Change Your Hair
It Helps in Keeping Your Hair Detangled

It might seem to you that most brushes do that, but the thing is, if you are doing it on your dry hair, it really feels like you are in a battle that has countless knots to get rid of.
But using a wide-tooth comb while in the shower and your hair is wet can help a great deal and make a massive difference.
Adding to that, if you are using the comb while your hair has conditioner on, the work is going to be even easier.
All you need to do is comb or brush your hair gently, and you will see that your tangles detangler easily without ripping off your hair.
Also, if you add this to your daily routine, you will observe that you would not need to work on your tangles as often as you used to.
But if your tangles are more persistent and are going away, then you might need to try your hands out on detangling creams or gels. Otherwise, adding a wide-tooth comb to your daily hair care wash routine is going to solve all your tangling issues.
Just remember to go gentle on your hair, and before using it, apply conditioner on your strands.
It Helps in Controlling that Annoying and at Times Untamable Frizz

Frizz is a common issue that most of us have gone through, and it is caused by dehydration, and a lot of other factors can contribute to that.
Regular use of heat appliances, like dryers and curlers or straighteners, without using heat protectant sprays can be a major cause of your strand’s dehydration.
Even exposure to chemicals, like dying or bleaching your hair, adds to the issue as well.
Adding to that, if you don’t provide enough moisture to your hair, it is going to go frizzy and dry. Also, let us just not forget that there are people out there with naturally dry hair that are more prone to frizzes.
So, while you can opt for a good hair treatment that will solve the issue of your frizz, taking necessary measures starts way before that.
So, if you use a shower comb on your wet hair, it is going to help you a great deal in taming that annoying frizz. So, brush your hair gently while still in the shower with a wide-tooth comb and tame your frizz.
How You Should Use Shower Combs and When?
Now talking of how you can use these shoer combs, I would suggest you to wet your hair with a generous amount of water and then apply shampoo to it, and clean your scalp thoroughly and then rinse it off.
Following that, you should add a good amount of conditioner to your hair and leave that in for around three to five minutes.
After those three to five minutes, grab a shower comb that is really good and brush it through your hair at a slow pace.
Also, remember not to go tough, and always start with the ends and then move to the roots. Combing directly from the roots is going to cause you massive breakage.

Comb the section in your hand and then slowly brush through. Once you are done, you will be adept at gliding via your hair evenly. Following that, rinse the conditioner off with a generous amount of water.
The key thing with the shower comb is to comb through your hair while you are in the shower and have conditioner applied on, and also go slow and gentle.
This will help you save time while drying out your hair. All you would need to do is towel dry it and squeeze the excess water out of it.
It will save time from further combing and hence, also prevent possible frizz and tangles.
How Can You Detangle Hair While in Shower?
Suppose you prefer detangling your hair while it is wet, which turns out to be super beneficial for people with curls.
However, I would fancy adjoining a few tips to this detangling while your hair is wet that might help you do the right thing with your strands.
Use a Wide-Toothed Comb or Brush or Use Your Fingers
I always say that your fingers are the gentlest tool for detangling your wet hair.
But if you don’t prefer using just your fingers, then I would suggest you go for a wide-tooth shower comb or brush; I think they are the next best available option after fingers.
Wide-toothed combs help you detangle your hair while they are wet while causing the least breakage.
Apply Conditioner First
Applying a generous amount of conditioners is going to help your shower comb or your fingers to glide smoothly through your strands without causing many issues. So, it is going to aid in minimum breakage and hence loss of hair while they are wet.

Do Not Use Shower Combs Under Running Water
While using shower combs, one thing that you need to make sure of is to not ever use them under running water; if you use the combs while under running water, it is going to add to your tangles and cause massive damage.
So, avoid doing so and turn off the faucet or shower.
How to Prevent Breakage While Your Hair is Wet?

Do you know when your hair is the weakest and prone to damage? If not, then let me tell you, your hair is the weakest and most prone to breakage when it is thoroughly wet.
Yes, you heard that right. Clean and wet hair is the easiest to get damaged. It has zero protection against anything that you do to it.
The thing is, as compared to dry hair, wet hair cannot protect itself with the natural oil that each dry strand is covered with.
Basically, if you are combing your hair right after coming out of the shower or while it is still wet, you are causing much damage to it.
So, what usually happens is most of us, when we come out of the shower, tend to take a towel and tie them in that.
But do you know that it actually causes more breakage than you can imagine and especially to your hair in the front area?
Well, I would suggest as soon as you come out of the shower, and as tempting as tying a towel around your hair seems, don’t do that, ever.
Instead, what you can do is pat your hair dry with the towel or else invest in a hair towel or t-shirt towel that will actually help in drying them without causing any damage.
Once dried fully, you can use a good leave-in conditioner and apply or spray it thoroughly on your hair. Following that, you can comb it with your fingers first and remember to always start from the bottom.
Once done with that, leave your hair to dry at its own pace or as long as it is probable for you before you can actually use any sort of brush or comb on it.
Then when your hair is fully dried, take small or average-sized sections and use a wide toothed comb first and again brush it from the bottoms and smooth it all out. Doing so will help you a great deal in preventing breakage.
The Final Word On Using Wide Toothed Combs In The Shower
Wrapping on how shower combs can help you a great deal in controlling your tangles, along with breakage and frizz; all I would say is things do work out if you know the correct way to do that.
Here using shower combs while your hair’s still wet can help you a great deal, but you need to stay aware of a few things. For instance, you need to always keep a strong note that going slow and gentle is always the key.
Also, I have also mentioned when you can use the shower comb and how so that you are not damaging your hair instead of taking care of them for good.
Following that, if you can use just a bit, you will also be able to save them from further breakage after coming out of the shower.
So, go ahead, choose a good shower comb and save your hair from tangles, frizz, and even breakage.
Change your hair for good, using shower combs the right way!
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How To Stop Frizzy Hair After Washing
To Summarize