Want to know How To Go From Level 2 To Level 6 Hair? Check out my article below to learn all about bleaching and coloring hair and how to go from dark to light hair dye.
Do you feel like your hair just isn’t reaching that next level of beauty? Do you dream of level 6 locks, soft, shiny and totally voluminous? Well, you’re in luck!
There are plenty of techniques and tips to help get you from the level 2 you’ve got now to the level 6 hair of your dreams. It might sound daunting, but it is totally attainable – and the results will be worth the effort.
In this article, we’re going to delve into the world of hairstyling to give you the advice and guidance you need to transform your hair.
From the right products to use, to vital tips on styling and maintenance, I will give you the real deal on how to go from level 2 to level 6 hair. So buckle in and get ready – there’s so much to cover!
How To Go From Level 2 To Level 6 Hair
Changing the colour of your hair can be an exciting and rewarding experience, especially when your goal is to go from level 2 to level 6. This guide will show you how to make the big transformation with ease and confidence.
The first step to getting the color of your dreams is choosing the right shade. Be sure to find one that complements your skin tone, facial features, and makes you feel confident and beautiful.
Once you’ve settled on a color, the next step is to find a professional hair stylist to help execute the look. A good stylist will be able to accurately assess the condition of your hair, take the time to understand what you’re hoping to achieve, and ensure that the results are both consistent and aesthetically pleasing.
The most important factor in getting your desired look at level 6, is using the right products.
Many level 6 colors rely on more intense bleaching that can easily damage and dry out the hair, so look for products that will protect and nourish your hair every step of the way.
A high-quality color protectant shampoo and conditioner will be essential, as well as a quality deep conditioner to keep your hair looking and feeling its best.
Finally, it’s always a good idea to keep up with the color after you’ve achieved it. Get creative with styling and haircuts, and use a heat protectant spray and quality hydrating products on days when you’re using a straightener or curling iron.
With these tips and the help of a professional stylist, you can have the beautiful level 6 look that you’ve been dreaming of.
What Is Hair Color Level Mean And How Does It Work
Hair color levels are a useful way to communicate the level of lightness or darkness of a hair color.
On a spectrum of 1 to 10, hair color level 2 is the darkest and level 10 is the lightest. Going from a level 2 to a 6 will involve increasing your hair color’s lightness, most likely lifting the dark color out of your hair with lightening products or a double process.
It can be tricky to move up color levels this way, as hair that has been lifted is often dry and damaged, so it’s important to take extra special care of your hair during the process.
Before you even begin the process of going from level 2 to 6, it’s important to fully understand exactly what is entailed and how the hair lightening process will affect your hair texture.
Using a lightening product is a bit like being an alchemist – mixing just the right mixture of chemicals and toners to get it to the ideal level of lightness.
Depending on your starting color and the desired level of lightness or darkness, the process can involve bleaching, toning or other darkening or lightening techniques.
It’s essential to choose the right lightening product for your hair. Do your research, ask your stylist for advice on the best product for your color level, and use quality products that won’t damage your hair.

Preparing the hair before coloring is key – it’s important to make sure it’s properly nourished and conditioned prior to the lightening process to ensure your hair is healthy enough for it.
Using quality products, products specifically made for your hair type and color, is essential for getting the desired color level.
Performing a strand test before coloring will also ensure you know what to expect, and you should always consult a professional colorist for complicated lightening processes.
Going from level 2 to 6 may seem daunting at first, but with proper care and the right products, the result can be a beautiful, lightened hair color.
The 10 Levels Of Bleached Hair – What Does This Mean?
When it comes to bleached hair, understanding the different levels can be a little confusing and even overwhelming.
As a rule of thumb, the higher the number, the lighter your hair will be when bleached. Hair coloring is usually separated into 10 levels and is typically labeled as 1 through 10 with 10 signifying the lightest possible color. But what do these numbers mean?
Level 1 hair is the darkest tone and usually requires no bleaching at all. It is usually considered a natural level of hair color. Level 2 is the lightest level of natural hair color and usually requires bleach when color-treating.
Following on from that, Level 3 is slightly lighter than Level 2 and is slightly more noticeable, making it perfect for subtle highlights or lowlights. Beyond Level 3, the bleached shades become noticeably lighter with each level representing a specific shade.
Level 4 is normally the beginning of blonde-level shades and many people use this level to dye their hair complete blonde.
Level 5 dissolves the line between light browns and blondes, giving your hair a much lighter, sun-kissed shade.
Level 6 consists of ash blonde-levels, which are light shades with a lasting cool tone.
Levels 7 to 10 are all similar in shade but much lighter, perfect for achieving a full-on platinum color.
It’s also worth noting that each level often has an additional substyle letter such as ‘ A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ which further defines the specific shade.
Related: How To Lighten Dark Brown Hair To Light Brown Naturally
What Are The Numbers In The Hair Color Level System
The numbers in the hair color level system range from 1-10 and are a way of categorizing hair color using levels such as black, blonde, brown, red and other shades in between.
Level 1 is the darkest level and Level 10 is the lightest; this system was designed to provide a universal understanding of hair color so that everyone can speak the same language when referring to a certain shade.
For example, when referring to color levels, choosing “Level 2” means one shade darker than the lightest, while “Level 6” is a medium dark tone. Level 7 refers to a dark blonde, Level 8 to light brown, Level 9 to dark brown and Level 10 to blondest shades or platinum blonde.
It’s important to note that if you’re starting at Level 2, like dark brown, you cannot reach the lightest tone with just one color; you will need to lighten and add highlights to achieve the desired shade.

How Many Levels Can I Lift My Hair During The First Time
When it comes to how many levels you can lift your hair during the first time, the answer is that it depends on your hair type. Generally, it’s not recommended to lift more than three to four levels during one session. Anything beyond that could cause damage to your hair.
The first thing to consider when trying to go multiple levels lighter is finding a professional stylist that you can trust to do the job properly. It’s important to look for someone who will use the right tools and techniques to achieve your desired color.
A professional colorist can assess your hair’s condition and decide the best way to lift your locks without compromising the quality.
It’s also important to understand that lifting hair more than three levels could require multiple bleaching sessions. This process involves using bleach to lighten your current hue in order to achieve a lighter color.
Multiple bleaching sessions can weaken the bonds of your hair and leave it more vulnerable to breakage and damage.
Finally, it’s important to do your research to ensure you’re making the best possible decision for your hair.
There are a lot of products on the market that claim to be able to lift multiple levels in one go, but it’s best to be cautious. These don’t always work as expected and may be more damaging to your hair than simply sticking with one or two levels.
Ultimately, how many levels you go for depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into caring for your hair.
If you want to go for a drastic change, be sure to consult with a professional and carefully research what is best for your particular type of hair.
Why Can’t Color Lift Hair Color
When you go to the hair salon ready to make a change, the hope is that one of the stylists can give you exactly the hair transformation you desire. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.
Color lifting is a tricky process, and it’s not always possible to move from one hair color level to another.
At its most basic, color lifting involves moving from a darker shade to a lighter one, although the number of levels the hair can be lifted depends on the integrity of the hair in its present state.
It is possible to go from a Level 2 to a Level 6, for example, but the process might be too damaging for the hair to endure.
When it comes to lifting hair color, the higher the level, the greater the risk of hair damage.
Level colors are classified according to lightness and darkness, and considering that color lifting involves lightening the color of your hair, if you’re looking to move from a darker shade to a much lighter one, you may end up taking a risk if your hair is already fragile.
Highly processed hair such as bleached strands, thick and porous colors, and multiple colors or layers, might not be able to handle the process needed to move to lighter hair colors.
This is why it’s important for a colorist to assess the condition of your hair before deciding which colors and color levels you should use.
In the end, the effect you get from color lifting depends on the condition of your hair, so it’s important to remember that when it comes to achieving the desired color, caution and care are essential.
How To Go From Level 5 To Level 6 Hair Color
Changing the shade of your hair from level 5 brown to a bold, vibrant level 6 can seem daunting, but it’s easier than it looks. Here are a few simple steps to get you from point A (level 5) to B (level 6):
Start by using a deep-conditioning hair mask to restore hydration to your locks. This will help your hair to accept and hold onto the fresh new color, as well as give it a smooth, glossy shine.
After you’ve nourished your tresses, it’s time to choose your new shade. Level 6 is best suited to warm, golden blondes. Copper, red, and honey all make gorgeous levels 6, so take some time to find the perfect color for you.
When you’ve found your dream color, it’s time to dye! Be sure to follow the instructions on the box, or have a professional do it for you. At-home coloring kits can achieve a beautiful level 6, but if you want to go brighter, a professional will be your best bet.
If you have lightened hair already, you may not need to bleach before starting to color. But if you have dark hair, you’ll probably need to lighten it up a few shades to make the level 6 vibrant and eye-catching.
Alternatively, you can also opt for a demi-permanent dye to get a more natural fade-out without any lightening.
No matter what route you take, make sure that you use a deep-conditioning treatment afterwards to keep your hair looking and feeling healthy and gorgeous. Your dream shade of level 6 won’t last forever, so make sure to visit the salon every few weeks for a refresh. Good luck!
Ultimately, achieving level 6 hair doesn’t have to be a difficult transition. By following the steps laid out in this article and investing in the right products, you can build a routine to suit your unique locks and enjoy beautiful and nourished level 6 hair.
With a little bit of patience and dedication, you can have the freedom to style and maintain your hair just the way you want it!
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To Summarize