How long does pink hair dye last? Is there permanent pink hair dye? And how to maintain pink hair dyes? Learn all that and more in this article!
How long does it take for your pink hair dye to fade or how long does it last on your hair? I’ll walk you through the answer, and I am sure you are not expecting this but, the thing is it really depends, and varies as well.
A pink hair is going to last anywhere between one to six weeks, basically from five to seven washes long and afterwards it starts to fade away.
It all depends on how you use your shampoos, conditioners, and all the other chemical-based hair based products. The more you are exposed to these products your pink hair is not going to last longer and vice versa.
How Long Does Pink Hair Dye Last
If you have applied semi-permanent pink hair dye your pink shade is going to last anywhere from a week to six weeks.
Adding to that, if you chose your semi-permanent pink hair dye to be ammonia and peroxide free your beautiful pink shade is going to last for nearly 6 to 8 weeks straight.
At A Glance:
- Pink hair dye can last up to four to six weeks, depending on the type of dye used and how you care for your hair. However this is only if you’re using a semi permanent hair dye.
- If you’re using a temporary or direct deposit dye than the pink hair dye can last 1-2 weeks only.
- All dyes, regardless of color, need to be refreshed often to maintain the desired color because they are temporary and fade as the dye molecules gradually wash away in the shower and as you style your hair.
- To keep the color as vibrant and long-lasting as possible, regular washing should be avoided, and sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners should be used.
- Additionally, adding color-depositing products like Arctic Fox or deep conditioning treatments can help boost the color and longevity of the dye.
But there are a dozen ways you can either shorten or lengthen the span.
There are a lot of factors that affect the lasting impact of your hair dye and following are a few significant and often seen ones:
- The shade of your hair before dyeing it with pink hair dye
- The condition of your hair
- The quality of the hair dye kit you have used
- The color of your hair and the amount of pink pigment
- How long did you leave the dye on your hair
- Following that how often you wash or cleanse your hair
- What sort of or quality of chemical hair products you use
- Lasty, even heating and styling your hair frequently affects the lasting impact of your pink hair dye
What Does Your Pink Hair Dye Fade Into

Depending on the shade and vibrancy of your pink hair dye it can fade usually into orange or peach shade.
Also,if you had started with a light base, such as bleaching your hair before dying or coloring on your natural blonde hair, the pink hair dye will fade typically showing more yellow undertones.
But the color your pink hair will fade into majorly depends on your hair’s base color and the sort of pigmentation you have used in your pink hair dye.
Adding to all that, there are some of the exterior factors too that affect the shade of your fading pink hair dye. For instance it also depends on whether the conditioner and shampoos you use suit your pink hair or not.
Here are a few pink hair dye shades and the likely shades they fade into;
- Bubblegum pink or hot pink shade will typically fade into pastel pink
- Your pastel pink shade gives your vintage pink, and also at times it can leave you with your base color but with a little reflection of pink while fading
- Your rose pink hair dye fades into pale pink shades
How To Make Your Pink Hair Dye Last Longer
If you want your pink shade to last longer on your hair, what should you do?
Even though most of the pink hair dyes don’t last for longer than 6 to 88 weeks (both with and without ammonia and peroxide), you sometimes wish that your perfect pink shade would last a bit longer.
So, here are a few tips that you can follow through that can make your pink hair dye last longer.
Healthy Hair is Always the Best Way to Start

One of the necessary elements is that your hair needs to be healthy, and especially if you are going for vibrant shades as pink. The reason simply is that a healthy strand will absorb and hold the color pink better than the damaged ones.
So, if your hair isn’t in its best condition, is dull, dry, and also has plenty of split ends, I would advise you to deal with them first and then go for this sort of unnatural hair shade.
For instance, you can go for a regular trim to keep your hair healthy and get rid of the unhealthy strands.
Apart from that you can also consider going for deep conditioning, regular hair masks, and even oiling to give your hair the nourishment, hydration, and moisture they need.
Doing these for a few weeks before you dye your hair is going to make a whole lot of great difference.
Seek Professionals for Dyeing Your Favorite Pink Shade

If this is the first time you are thinking or trying to dye your hair in any shade of pink, I would suggest you go for a professional who knows their job.
Going to a professional will not only ensure the best outcome in terms of shades but you would also be safe from all the pitfalls that you might fall into while trying it out on your own with a hair dye kit at home.
So, by going to a professional you would totally avoid the issues related to bleaching and coloring that you are more likely to do when coloring your hair for the first time.
Apart from that an experienced colorist would definitely be able to ensure that your hair gets the best hair care treatment, from nourishment to hydration, so that the color lasts for longer.
Choose the Perfect Pink Hair Dye
One of the important things to consider is the quality of hair dye you use, because it matters and affects your outcome.
For instance, you might want to save a few pennies on the coloring kit. But let me tell you, it is totally ok to spend a bit more on something that you are going to apply on your hair.
You really want to ensure that the hair product you are using is not going to do the opposite of what is expected of it.
So, while choosing a coloring kit and that too while choosing a vibrant color for you, you need to focus on the formula, ingredients, brand, and more importantly the quality of the product.
Wait Till the Dye Settles in Your Hair

I think it makes sense when I say that you need to give the hair dye time to settle in your hair and get absorbed by it so that when you rinse it off you get the color that you were actually looking for.
So, it doesn’t matter if you are at a professional salon or doing it all by yourself you need to have patience and wait till the maximum time (the one suggested on the box or 5 minutes plus) to make sure that it is absorbed well and you get the best out of that hair dye kit.
Rinse the Dye Out With Cold Water
Rinsing your hair with cold or room temperature water is one of the best things to do if you want your hair dye to stay for longer.
I am not suggesting warm water even though it feels good and offers better cleaning because warm water also opens up your hair cuticles.
So, when your cuticles are open it is going to be very easy for the pink shade to strip off of your hair.
So, warm water is going to add to the fading of your pink hair dye.
Related: How To Get Pink Hair Dye Out Of Hair
Try Not to Wash Your Hair Every Single Day
Another thing that you can do to make your pink shade last longer is skipping frequent hair wash.
Also, if your hair has no specific or special needs, I would suggest you wash only after 3 to five days.
Every time you wash your hair, the color bleeds out from your hair. So, you really should wash your hair when it is really needed.
On other regular days try using shower caps or anything that helps keep your hair from getting wet. Or you can even opt for alternatives like dry shampoos for color treated hair.
Should I Tone My Hair Before Dying It Pink
When considering whether to tone your hair before dyeing it pink, there are both pros and cons that should be wholeheartedly considered. The coloring process of your hair will involve the use of a semi-permanent or permanent hair dye; both of these can be intensified if the hair is pre-treated with toner beforehand.
The best thing about toning your hair before adding pink dye is that it will be more likely to last longer and remain vibrant. Toning helps to reduce unwanted yellow tones that may bleed into the pink, adding a golden undertone rather than the intended bubblegum hue.
Additionally, your hair will be better-prepared and more powerful protective barriers can be built to minimize color fading.
On the other hand, there are several downsides to toning your hair before pink dyeing, such as it can take more time and effort to accomplish and you might need to make frequent trips to the salon for toner reapplying due to the finite longevity of the product.
It can also add an additional monetary expense to the cost of coloring your hair. Furthermore, toning can damage your strands, making them appear dry, brittle, and susceptible to breakage; or, in an adverse reaction, it can even result in unwanted patches of scraggly color.
Therefore, it is critical to very carefully assess both the pros and cons before indulging in the coloring process. Ultimately, toning your hair before dying it pink is a personal decision as it is regulated by individual taste and preference.
There is no right or wrong answer, so it is best to consult with your stylist in order to make the best choice for your hair type and make sure that any coloring you attempt is safe and done in the best way possible.
How Long Does Arctic Fox Pink Hair Dye Last On Unbleached Hair
If you have unbleached hair, you can expect the dye to remain vibrant and long lasting for up to 8 weeks. With Arctic Fox pink hair dye, you won’t need to worry about quickly fading tints or dull colors.
Arctic Fox uses a conditioning formula designed to ensure that your color locks in longer, so you can get the most out of your hair dyeing experience. Arctic Fox also offers truer stronger shades to ensure that individuals with darker hair tones can still enjoy an amazing pink look.
When applying the dye to unbleached hair, the results you can expect from Arctic Fox can vary from person to person. For example, some users report hair fading after 4 to 5 weeks, while other customers have had their vibrant pink hair dye last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks.
An essential step to ensuring your pink hair dye lasts is to take proper care when prepping, dying, and washing your hair. If steps are skipped, there is a higher chance that your hair dye won’t stay vibrant for an extended period of time.
You can follow up your dyes with a specialized shampoo or conditioner designed for color-treated hair in order to keep your pink locks in the best condition possible.
By following a few simple steps, you can enjoy having a long-lasting bright pink hair tone. With Arctic Fox, your pink hair dye can last anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the individual and care taken to maintain the hue and vibrancy of your locks.
What Does Light Pink Hair Fade To

The most pressing question on many minds when it comes to light pink hair dye is, what does light pink hair fade to? After all, who wants to have their hot pink ‘do revert to an undesirable hue after only a few days?
The good news is that, depending on how well you take care of your newly-dyed locks, light pink hair should last anywhere between four and eight weeks.
However, there is no definite answer as to what the color will evolve into because it will largely depend on the state, color, and texture of your hair pre-dye.
Generally speaking, the longer the lifespan of the dye, the lighter and more subtle the result will be. Softer shades of pink can usually fade into a light strawberry blonde, while more vibrant and intense hues might end up turning into a strawberry-meets-copper hue.
On the other hand, pale pinks are known to wear away to a lighter blonde or a creamy beige color. Depending on your starting shade and the shade of pink you choose, the results can vary quite a bit.
The trick to ensuring that your dyed hair doesn’t completely wear away over time is to properly maintain it.
Regularly washing with a hydrating shampoo and conditioner, using nourishing hair masks, and avoiding hot water when showering are all essential steps toward preserving the dye’s lifespan.
You should also avoid over-styling and using any sort of heat tools, as this will only accelerate the fading process. With proper TLC and a trusted color-safe shampoo, you can extend your pink hair for weeks!
Why You Should Trust Haireveryday?
The author of this article, Leah Marie Priest has a degree in Cosmetology with years of experience in dealing with hair care, scalp care, and hairstyling. As someone who extensively deals with all kinds of hair textures, products, styling methods and more, hair Leah Marie knows what kind of products and procedures suit each hair type and person. We have also tested these hair products and processes ourselves to provide you an unbiased review about every product. Each of our articles are also reviewed by a team of medical professionals so that you get the most accurate and expert-reviewed information.
Wrapping Up on Pink Hair Dyes
So, that would be all on how long does pink hair dye lasts and some basic tips that can help the shade last longer.
It typically takes around two months for your pink shade to start losing its actual color, and with the tips given you can extend the time period by a few more weeks.
Apart from that, making sure that your hair is in the best condition to absorb the color is something that I personally put emphasis on. I mean at the end of the you would really want your hair to be healthy.
So, I am hoping that you got what you were seeking and you are now all ready to embrace the pink shade you were eyeing on. Just follow the tips and make your favorite pink stay on your head for longer.
Until then, happy dyeing!
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To Summarize